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So, what is a CANSAT?
What is a CANSAT?
Wikipedia explains it like:
ESA explains it like:
TL;DR: CANSAT = small computer (arduino) in a can that goes into a rocket to record cool data. E.G. how blue is the sky? how far up did we go?
Sebastiaan explains it like:
what do i need?
an arduino DUE
probably some screws
battery connector
a battery
lil power switch
deez nuts
tie wrappies
M-M, M-F, and F-F cables
temp and humidity sensor
GY-80 multi sensor (gyroscope, an accelerometer, a magnetometer, a barometer & temperature)
microSD connect
SD card
lil antenna
Software Defined Radio Receiver
thats a lot. are there alternatives?
yes, send a nokia in space.
or a cheap (Nokia) smartphone with the same capabilities
source: https://canduino.eu/index.php?id=shop
source: https://www.esa.int/Education/CanSat/What_is_a_CanSat
source: https://www.narom.no/undervisningsressurser/the-cansat-book/v3/